The Bundesliga‘s Controversial €1 Billion Deal –

The Bundesliga‘s Controversial €1 Billion Deal Comprar nuevas camisetas de fútbol baratas para la Copa Mundial 2022 y los futbol clubes en futbol, camisetas de futbol Paris St. Germain Todos los camisetas de futbol replicas están a la venta a precio baratas.

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13 comentarios en «The Bundesliga‘s Controversial €1 Billion Deal –»
  1. Do you think this is good or bad for the Bundesliga? I say right now it sounds like a good chance to retain the core values of German football while staying competitive, just a bit scared it could be used as the first step to eventually attack 50+1…🤔

  2. I think that sucks ass and i am totally against it. I will say im happy i would finally be able to watch my beloved KSC here in America.

  3. Basically Bayern will be like Ajax or Benfica regardless if things keep going the way they are. Players all view the bundesliga as a stepping stone league now to either the prem or Barca/Real

  4. Lol 1 billion is fucking nothing to compete with the pl. That's why barca and real are hell bent on the super league.

  5. Bundesliga fell off when it stopped being free to air here in Australia. I used to watch after school in 2009. The premier league is a run away train now. I’m willing to pay for it.

  6. The investor is a business person. Yhey expect to get more out of the deal than they put in ie profit! Thats not necessarily a bad thing. The investor may be locking in what they feel is a realistic rate of return and with all that cash floating about,FTX, the Panama papers ect might make sense and a profit for all parties?

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